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ADGA Nigerian Dwarf Goats for milk & show
Primrose Hill EV McKinley 5*M AR
aka McKinley
LA GGVV 84 @ 2-03
S: Farm Oldesouth WP Everlasting *B VEE 91
SS: GCH Gypsy Moon WP Warparty ++B
SSS: CH Gypsy Moon SB War-Paint *B, LA EVE 90
SSD: GCH Gypsy Moon SB Mia Meany LA VEVE 90
SD: AGS Oldesouth Galloway 2*M, LA EEEE 91
SDS: SG Rosasharn MR General B, LA VVE 89
SDSS: GCH Rosasharn SP Mercury, LA EEE 92
SDSD: SG Rosasharn UMT Honey Bee, LA VVEE 88
SDD: AGS Oldesouth Annie Oakley 1*M:
D: SGCH Sunnydale Farm ZM Faith 4*M AR, LA VEEE 91
DS: Algedi Farm MH Zen Moon *B
DSS: Algedi Farm MB Manuka Honey +*B, ST 2014, LA 2010
DSD: SGCH AGS Rosasharn's TL Zenith 3*M LA EEVE 90
DD: SGCH Sunnydale Farm J Hope 1*M, AR 2014, LA EEEE 91
DDS: Atwood Acres FT Jefferson LA 2011, 2010
DDD: AGS Dragonfly HFX Carmen LA VVEE 89
Miss Saigon: Image
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